Thursday, May 23, 2013

Management Fatigue .....

No, not managing your fatigue, Management Fatigue is the exhausting side affect (and we all know about side affects) of managing yourself ... your disease, your team ... it's the fatigue caused by the job that is a chronic illness.  I finally got a label for this by-product of being sick.  When you're Management Fatigue is maxed out .... I think that is when our "meltdowns" occur.  Myself and three of my R.A. "sisters" all had meltdowns within a very short time period recently.  It's when it ALL catches up to us and we are overwhelmed by the stresses of a life with chronic illness.  It was put to me in such a way as compared to a pressure cooker ... you have to release the steam or it's gonna blow!  I found it uplifting that, and in hindsight, it was so great that we all had someone to turn to when this occurred/occurs.  We should not feel that we are weak, we all know that being sick is not for the weak ... so it makes sense that when we are releasing our "steam" it is so that we can carry on, and don't blow!  When having a meltdown, it really does help to reach out, get some feedback and support and for me, I have to just "go with it".  I get the tissues out, I cancel plans and I have a pity party .... table for one, please.  Except that as much as it is a solo project, my "girls" are there for me.  They are online to chat and they are on the phone to talk.

What do you do when your Management Fatigue kicks in????

The Imaginary Friend


  1. I have a good cry usually use a box of kleenex, I like to think of it as purging the bad. It feels awful and hopeless but its a great release of frustration & pain. I feel numb the day after but after that I feel better. I tend to not mention it when its happening, I dont want to talk or even be touched in such a state, all the emotions and pain overload my brain and other stimuli irritates me. I allow myself the release and after Im relieved. Your fellow kleenex sister here.

    1. Thank you! I knew I wasn't alone and wanted to put it out there for others who wanted to reach out during that time that they are not alone either.
